Monday, March 19, 2012

I'm a horrible "blogger:

I can't believe its already been a MONTH since my last blog...I'm seriously slacking...I won't have much of a book at the end of the year, at the rate I'm going. SO, this is going to be my "catch-up" blog....
1st: In January, we found out we are expecting our 3rd baby!! We are very excited, but when we first found out, I was a little shocked. I had a "plan" to become pregnant at this time NEXT year...HOWEVER, apparently God had a different plan. I wanted to be out of debt before our next baby came into the world, and had a plan that, if we followed, would mean we would be debt free by the time the baby was born NEXT Well, my plans are not God's plans, and not only did He give us this little surprise, He has also provided a way for us to be completely debt free by fall....BEFORE the baby is born...(and I had only anticipated having credit card debts paid off by the time the "planned" baby was born next year, I wasn't counting on my student loans...however, the way God has provided, will enable us to have credit card debt, AND student loan debt paid off by the time this baby is born....) We are so blessed...and I'm so excited about the newest addition to our family!!

2nd:  Granny and Pops gave Jaxon and Brooklyn a new fancy swing set. They spent the entire Spring Break outside....the kids love it, and I know it will provide many, many years of entertainment. (the pictures speak for themselves.)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

4 years..the journey of a stay at home mom

I was reminded today, that it was 4 years ago, this week, that I stepped out of the workforce, and into full time mommyhood. I remember praying, debating, and thinking about how and IF we would be able to survive on one income. Nathan and I were not (and are still learning to become) frugal people. I liked NEW clothes, and nice things, and he liked remote control toys, and nice things. But, after really seeking the Lord, we both knew, that no matter the sacrifice, financially, God was calling me to stay at home with my children. I knew that's what I ALWAYS wanted to do, just never put into thought the financial aspect of it. After I realized I was going to marry Nathan, I knew my "plan" of marrying a rich doctor were out the window (sorry, babe...I did SO much better than any rich doctor!) It was after we got married, that I realized the sacrifices that would need to be made in order to achieve our goal of having me in the home. No fancy cars, no fancy house (although, I do LOVE my house, and I feel like it is fancy, and I feel absolutely blessed to be in it) and I had to eliminate my shopping addiction. I remember that first year, each month was a milestone: "we made it a WHOLE month, without my income" then it was "we made it 6 months without my income" then it was "we made it the ENTIRE year without my income!!" As Christmas approached, "I remember thinking, how are we going to afford Christmas??" (selfish I know, but who DOESN'T want their child to have a "good" Christmas!) knowing that nathans income was just enough to cover bills food, and a little extra. But, God ALWAYS provided! At the time I was keeping a little girl full time to help supplement the income (so I could still enjoy SOME of the finer things in life) but after so long of that, I realized that even though I was "home" with Jaxon, I was still missing very precious moments, because my time was divided. Because he was my first,and knowing I wouldn't always have precious "just us" time,  I wanted to make sure I got to enjoy EVERY moment with just him. So after praying and talking with nathan, we decided, that it was just not the right time to be keeping another child full time. So back to JUST Nathans income it was. I became pregnant with Brooklyn in July, and started Substituting for CISD. Which at the time, was God's way of providing that extra little income to cover the costs of a new baby (a girl at that!! Girls are SO much more expensive with all their clothes, bows, and decor!) So I was able to substitute several times a month while Jaxon went to Granma and Papas, or Granny and Pop's. Again, Christmas rolled around, and yet again, God provided! Over the last couple of years, God has always provided little ways to provide extra income, so that we NOT ONLY meet our "needs" but so that we can also meet some of our wants. Currently, I'm so thankful for my VERY part time job through my brother in laws insurance agency, State Farm (Jason Huddleston...<see my plug Jason and Nicole!!) (by very part time,  I mean I haven't worked 10 hours in the last 2 months, but have the ability to work up to probably 40 or 50 hours in a month (if I want)) and I'm also thankful for the 2 little girls I keep twice a week. The kids love to play together, and it provides enough income to cover Mothers day out, (so I can get my "chores" done, without my kids under my feet) and a little extra to help with bills/groceries, or spending money. But in the same hand its ONLY 2 days a week, which is perfect, because I still get precious 1 on 1 time with my kids. God is good,  and I know, without his provision, I would not be able to stay home with my children. I'm also very thankful for my always understanding husband, who has always been ok with whatever decision I made, whether it be to keep extra kids, or to stop whatever "job" I'm doing so I can focus on our kids. I'm also thankful that he knows when my plate is filling up, and is quick to ask "are you SURE that's what you want to don't have too..." On a side note: to those working mommies out ladies, are amazing! I don't know how you do it, ya'll are like "Super Woman" literally!! I know I could not handle both jobs, of being mommy, and a job outside the home, I would be an absolute mess.... To those who feel like you might be called to staying at home with your children, and are worried about the financial aspect of it, pray about it!! If Gods calling you to do it, he WILL provide!! Either way, being a mom is the most rewarding, challenging, wonderful job ever!! I'm SO blessed!! 

Its precious moments like these I would have missed if I wasn't at home.....

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Sweet Moments....

Ever have those moments where you stop, look at your surroundings and think, "Lord, help me to NEVER forget this moment!" I have those periodically....more now that I have children. Tonight was one of those moments. I've decided while my blog posts are few and far between I am going to try to at least get these moments down. So that, IF I do forget, this will always remind me. Tonight as I was preparing lunch for tomorrow, I looked into the living room and had one of those moments. It was then, that I prompted myself to stop what I was doing for a photo op. Here are the pictures from this sweet moment. Every thing Nathan would do, Jaxon would quickly follow. Jaxon grabbed his "laptop" and his guitar so he could be just like daddy....

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Well, Christmas came and went, quickly....The kids had so much fun with every bit of it! Here are the pictures: (more are coming)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


So recently I have been really inspired to do crafty things with my kiddo's...I've really held back on the crafts, because, a)they are messy....and that, sadly, is my only excuse...SO the other day we made Christmas sugar cookies...(no pics..sorry) and yesterday was playdough... Jaxon really enjoyed it...Brooklyn wanted to eat it....I made a "dog" for them, and asked Brooklyn what a doggy says, and then asked what a kitty says, followed by "what does Brooklyn say?" Her answer: "CHEEEEES!!!" GIANT grin on her face...

Look at that chubby little hand, decorating the playdough Christmas it!!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

a little of this, a little of that...Brooklyn steals the show!

This blog post will be mostly pictures...(or thats how I plan to for it to be, but if you know me, you know what a chatter box I can be) WE start off with some adorable pics of brooklyn, doing a yoga pose...with her feet touching bottom to, you try to sit like that and tell me how comfortable it!! Next picture she is on the trike, she can't quite reach the pedals, but Jaxon sure stays in the house 90% of the time, and he can do circles around the dining room, and kitchen, at 90 mph...running over my toes nearly every time!! Then we have daddy and brooklyn....matchy, matchy, in their green...she's in her sweet little night gown. Following that, we have her in her highchair....or trying to climb out of...she constantly climbs in it, and then tries to climb down...this time her shirt got stuck on the little leg separator (not sure what to call that thing that sticks up between their legs)....following highchair pic, is her in a friends high heels...she LOVES shoes, and when she discovered these little plastic high heels (and her friend was ready to let her play with them) she walked everywhere in them...guess what she's getting for Christmas! You're probably wondering where all the pictures of Jaxon are....WELL...I'm a horrible mom, and only take pictures of Anytime he does something funny or cute, I'll pull out the camera, and he runs!! ITs impossible to get pics of him...but Brooklyn is the opposite (most of the time) I pull out the camera, and she says "CHEEEEESE!!!" She is like her mama!!!!